Helping You Fell Good


The period has been around since … well, a woman’s existence. And that goes back 57 million years. That made us think that you had had enough waiting for proper care.

When Emara Wellness was born, we made a promise to ourselves to provide you with comprehensive care through a wellness platform that offers great products to build a hygienic and safe community and an overall personalized experience of well-being and buoyant health. All we do now is keep our promise.

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ISO Certificate

Sigma Test

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Problem with Unhygienic Sanitary Pads?

On average, a woman uses anywhere between 18000 to 20000 Sanitary Napkins in her lifetime.

Hence it is a thing of serious concern for her to know the ingredients and the short and long-term effects of using Sanitary Napkins.

Any woman using a Sanitary Napkin has them pressed up against her body, specifically the skin around her vaginal area, for around 5 days every month. The skin around this area is highly permeable as the mucous membranes contain a lot of lymphatic and blood vessels. Items that come in constant contact with the skin are absorbed into her bloodstream and distributed throughout the body.

These poisonous substances enter the Lymphatic System and Lowers the Immune System of the body and this condition cannot be cured through medication. As the Lymphatic System which eliminates the toxins is itself corrupted it can never be able to perform the repairing the function of the body. ultimately the body’s Metabolic System is ruined.

Disposable Sanitary Pads contain such ingredients that any sane woman definitely does not want near her vagina. They cause Undesirable Side Effects and are detrimental to a woman’s health. Over time, they may even lead to Cancer.

Unhygienic Sanitary Pads

Contain Ingredients Below


Herbicides and Pesticides

Conventionally grown cotton is heavily sprayed with pesticides and herbicides, and these chemicals can stay on the cotton long after it has been harvested. Side effects of exposure include infertility, hormonal disruption, thyroid malfunction, diabetes, endometriosis and depression.


Sanitary pads are not naturally pure white. The fibres in pads are chlorine bleached to give them a clean and sterile appearance. This bleaching process creates dioxin, a highly toxic pollutant. Dioxin accumulates in the fat stores of the body over time and can stay there for up to 20 years.
Exposure to dioxin can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, hormone dysfunction, uterine diseases, and various forms of cancer.


Apart from cotton, Rayon (synthetic fibre derived from wood pulp) is also used in your sanitary pads. Rayon is cheaper than cotton, and helps to enhance the absorption capacity of pads, but also contain Dioxin from the bleaching process.



Sanitary Pads often advertise themselves as 'LeakProof', with an Impermeable plastic layer at the bottom of pads that do not allow liquid or air to pass through. The plastic traps Moisture and Heat, creating an environment that promotes the growth of Yeast and Bacteria. It can also cause sensitive individuals to experience burning, chafing and soreness.


Scented Sanitary pads with odour neutralizers and other Artificial Fragrances contain a combination of unknown Chemicals, which can enter the bloodstream and cause Severe Side Effects. On the surface, they also Irritate the skin, causing allergies and reactions.

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